How to Absorb the Fact That he Doesn't Like You

Often it usually happens that a woman falls in love at first sight with a boy, nevertheless this attraction that they you feel not always is corresponded, and beyond having tried everything to attract its attention, if everything was in vain, it is a moment to assume the reality and to try to assimilate that this boy is not for you.

It is here where you must learn to accept it and must continue with your normal life, avoiding to fall down in the disappointment and probable depression. Here we leave to you some rules that were helping you to overcome a problem of this type.

The first thing that you can do once you made sure already that this boy does not feel any type of attraction for you, it is to try to write everything what you should dislike on him. Just remembers that if you always in mind bear the positive part of this person he will not make you feel better, therefore probably you will continue in a useless way, to try to pay its attention desperately, therefore it is very suitable that you aim at everything bad that it should have it to stop considering in a positive way.

You prop can write your love, friends, family, and a little on what you want to do in the future, so that somehow you realize that it is absurd that you spend the whole life to yourself wanting to be with him. Therefore it would turn out to be very useful to you that you think about your future, about your career and the way as you might achieve your goals and be successful. All that will make you see that this person will be neither the first one nor her last in your life, and as well as this one came it is very probable that many other you could know in the future.

It is important also not to contact with this person, since the contact somehow will incite you to want to approach more, and if he does not like and he likes, it is very probable that you suffer and the heart will break you more. Do not forget that the important thing is to accept that the feelings are not reciprocal and that it is not worth while keeping on trying in vain, and rather you must be an optimist of that some day you will know to someone who will correspond to you.

Also it is important that you avoid any type of contact, therefore if you have social networks, be sure to avoids to look at his profile. It is important to maintain your self-esteem in high place, therefore you can try to note down positive things of you, or perhaps to ask on that your friends, so that you should acquire more confidence and should remember that you are only, and prove to be convinced of that if he does not like as much as you like, it is worse for him.

Also it turns out to be useful to keep you busy, since if you allow yourself to dominate for the pain and cry isolated in your quarter he will not benefit you in anything. It is important that you go out to take the fresh air and to try to live in a normal way through your life. He remembers that the more active you should be supported, you will manage to realize the positive things that exist in the world and that are not worth while making like that to you through the fault of only one individual.

The important thing is to eliminate any type or communication line with him, therefore it is suitable that you erase his number from your agenda, his mail address from your list of contacts, this way I turned out to be difficult to you it is important that you do it to overcome the difficult moment. Always bear in mind that he is not the only person in the world, but there are very much any more persons in the world. It is not a suitable entercarse with a not corresponded love, since the only thing that you will obtain is to affect to your emotional health, and to waste a beautiful time, in which probably it could have known to the real love of your life.