How to Know if Your Girlfriend is Hiding Something

It is said that a relationship is based on honesty and trust, however there are many factors that can lead you to think that your girlfriend is lying, which often does not manifest itself in a specific event that happened to take you to think that, but simply perceive some changes in their behavior that somehow puts you on alert, whereupon you before making a decision you must make sure your suspicions are true and you find out if your girlfriend has been hiding you something.

When Your Girlfriend Hiding Something

Often women can manipulate the truth for many reasons, however if you are in a relationship where there is in between a serious commitment, it is not the most suitable to act that way. Therefore this on you find out the truth of what a start for you are just suspicions.

For your purposes, remember that body language is transmitted often unintentionally through body movements, such as the eyes and face often express what they are thinking and feeling. ie for example when you talk to another person, this emits thousands of signals and messages through their gestures and through their behavior, whereby if you're observant and analytical, you can tell if it is telling you the truth or lying.

For your case you should carefully observe the body language of your girlfriend when talking on the phone, because usually when a person has nothing to hide shown calm and willing to answer the phone, listening serenely who is calling and talks so natural. on the other hand if your girlfriend is hiding something shown strained attempts to their short and suspicious answers and prefer to get away from your presence to speak.

You should also watch when she is on the computer connected to the Internet. If holdout sample on your mail, and tends to suddenly switch to another page when you enter the room, could be due to any reason having to do it, sneaking it really is doing.

Another aspect to consider is when your girlfriend tells you where you've been, which must listen carefully and analyze coldly, as when one lies, providing unnecessary details about their their exits or where it is, giving information about who was , what he was doing and even justified reasons had to leave; does all this for the sole purpose of making your story sounds much more believable.

It is also convenient to perform monitoring on their comings and goings, and your girlfriend would never have to leave at odd moments of the day or night, even if their outputs seen extending more than she says, and that could be something he was doing and do not want you to find out.

The most important thing is that you know listen, because she practically sell itself if something is wrong, for which after listening carefully identifies the inconsistencies in her version. Then without losing control and use force, attempts to verify what he says. Therefore, you must always stay alert for any strange behavior of your girlfriend, because if she suddenly has a rare behavior and also his family is distant towards you, it could definitely be hiding something.

Most importantly, do not forget that the unconscious can not cheat, even if your girlfriend make you have control when lying will always be something in your behavior that eventually betray therefore pay attention to indicators that show signs A liar, the most noticeable being the following:
  1. The speak to you unconsciously covers her mouth and blinks steadily.
  2. Tends to breathe deeply and turns in all directions.
  3. During their conversation, she looks away and not look you in the eye and if you see that looks down is a sign that is inventing a story.
  4. When you are uncomfortable conversation tends to rub their hands or constantly changing position, looking nervous at all times
  5. Shows inconsistencies in what he says. We consider several versions of the same event and tends to mix things up. 
  6. Tends to answer your question with another question, by way of gaining time to gather information and justify your answer, so make it convincing.